About Us:

Well, we’re simple people really.  One of us can’t stop thinking about how to grow things, all things, all the time. Ever hung milk crates stuffed with burlap bags filled with soil and strawberry seeds in your garage?  He has.  Have you ever stood in the middle of the cleaning supplies aisle of a super market and exclaimed “these are perfect for growing mushrooms!” while holding Air Wick™ humidifiers?  Yeah, he’s done that too.   Basically, he’s got an obsession with making things grow, naturally, and fast!  Since he found out he could grow mushrooms by controlling the environment around them, he’s been like a dog with a bone.  Lucky for you, he’s gotten pretty darn good at it. 


So, what does the other brother do?  Keeps the wheels from falling off the bus.  If they were Jay and Silent Bob, he’d be the Silent Bob of the duo.  Let’s just say his job is to keep the mad scientist focused on bringing you the best tasting mushrooms on the planet.  If your order was processed, shipped, and delivered without a hiccup, you can thank him. 

About Our Mushrooms :

Our process is a simplistic view on growing mushrooms. Finding the most efficient way of not just growing mushrooms, but doing it as sustainably as possible and being able to offer nutritional and great tasting mushrooms to the public. We do all we can to ensure our methods close to nature as possible in every step. 

We do so by using only natural, sustainable, methods and sourced products. We use reusable growing containers as opposed to single use plastic bags in order to reduce our waste. 

The process is a little more extensive and looks like a mad science experiment, but from a K.I.S.S. (keep it simple silly) type of view, it involves taking a little bit of this( substrate or hard wood products), mixing it with a little bit of that ( spawn or mushroom seeds), then letting it sit it time out for a little while. After it’s had time to think about growing, the mushrooms to be are transfer into the proper growing climate that activates their sprout. Then. . .like magic, poof! Gourmet mushrooms! The magic is in the skills behind the process. 

Finally, we send little elves to delicately pick and package these fresh and tasty treats so we can send them straight to you at the freshest and tastiest points in their lives.